62% are Regular visitors! 92% find the location very good! 95% think the event is very good! A good idea has already found many friends. And of course there will be more ... Here are a few statements from visitors to Trends Up West. “The TUW has developed into a really diverse and very interesting trade fair plat- form for me. Compliments to all exhibitors for the be- autifully designed stands and the “all-round carefree package” in terms of ticket booking, parking and catering. I simply say “A lot of new things in the west”. I always enjoy coming back.” Monika Jonen, JONEN & JONEN HOME GARDEN LIFESTYLE “It was a very good mix, as I knew many exhibitors from my first visit to TRENDS UP WEST, but I was also able to discover a lot of new things. An event like this is good for the indus- try and makes many things easier.” Calla Schäffer Lomanns Interieur GmbH “We visited the TRENDS UP WEST (TUW) trade fair to evaluate the potential of participating as an exhibitor for our company. We were impressed by the exceptional va- riety and high quality of the products on show, as well as the excellent orga- nization. We are therefore looking forward to being an exhibitor in 2025. If you have any questions, please get in touch.” David Halbach-Türscherl, Halbach Seidenbänder GmbH “It is wonderful to have such an attractive and versatile platform in the west of Germany with TRENDS UP WEST, alongside the Trend Set trade fair in Munich and Nordstil in Ham- burg, which inspires both exhibitors and visitors alike.the TRENDS UP WEST trade fair at Areal Böhler inspires me anew every year. The constantly growing number of exhibitors has meant that the event is becoming more and more exciting and offers an impressive variety of in- novative products. This year, too, I discovered and ordered some exciting new products. I particularly appreciate the clear organization of the trade fair, which maintains a pleasant and accessible atmo- sphere despite its growth. Another highlight is the excellent catering, which makes a visit to TrendsUp West an all-round successful experience.” Kirsten Kappius, Meer-Lebensstil